The Eight Best Ways To Lose Weight Fast


With all of the fad diets out there, it can be seductive to try eating only kale, or merely soup for a week in order to shed some pounds. But, the research has been pretty clear on this issue. Shortcut diets only lead to eventual weight gain, which is why the best way to lose weight is to not … Read more

The Six Fastest Ways To Lose Weight


The Fastest Way To Lose Weight: 6 Tips To Improve Eating Habits For Quick Results The polls have closed when it comes to debating the quickest way to lose weight.  While exercise is important to promote cardiovascular health, improve mood, provide motivation for a healthier lifestyle and tone the body, experts are in agreement that … Read more

How to Look Jacked in Just 3 Weeks

how to look jacked

If you had an event coming up in just a few weeks and wanted to look your very best, how would you change your training and diet? Chris Shugart – T Nation CCO Hopefully, most T Nation readers look pretty damn good all year long. But there’s a difference between your usual “walking around physique” … Read more

12 Golden Rules To Reduce Body Fat Fast

12 golden rules to lose fat

The perfect six-pack is not a myth. In fact, you already own it – it’s just hiding under belly fat. And since you can’t spot-reduce fat in specific areas (whatever you might have heard from a dodgy PT or the Internet), the key to losing belly fat is reducing your overall body fat percentage. The … Read more

How To Lose Weight In 1 Week

how to lose weight in 1 week

Weight loss is definitely a controversial matter for the most part because there are a large amount of diet programs that make claims to successfully assist you to get rid of a couple of extra pounds after a while. How to lose weight in 1 week will take commitment and also enthusiasm. It ought to … Read more

Weight Loss: Cutting Back On Carbs, Not Fat, May Lead To More Weight Loss


We’ve reported a lot this year about how there’s a major rethinking of fat happening in the U.S. Turns out, eating foods with fat — everything from avocados and nuts to dairy fat — doesn’t make us fat. But eating too many carbohydrates — particularly the heavily refined starches found in bagels, white pasta and … Read more

The Secret to Weight Loss Without Cardio

The Secret to Weight Loss Without Cardio

Hours and hours of cardio are typically paired with dieting in an effort to lose weight and sculpt that lean body that you desire. But there is an easier way to lose weight than spending so much of your time each week doing cardio workouts and dieting. By focusing on the two workout secrets below, … Read more

Five Nutrition Pitfalls To Avoid if You Want To Lose Fat or Be Healthy by charles poliquin

Five Nutrition Pitfalls To Avoid if You Want To Lose Fat or Be Healthy by charles poliquin

Confused by nutrition? Everyone’s got the perfect solution or the promise of a magic bullet to make it easier. This makes nutrition mistakes common and inescapable. This article will give you five unique nutrition pitfalls to avoid if you want to lose fat and be healthy. #1. Not having a set meal frequency. Chances are, … Read more

How to Lose Belly Fat with Home Remedies

How to Lose Belly Fat with Home Remedies

There are many home remedies you can use to boost fat burn on your belly. Many of them will already be in your cupboard or refrigerator. The right foods can detox your liver and rev your metabolism, helping you to target belly fat. Belly fat is more than a cosmetic concern. It ups risk for … Read more

Lose Fat & Build Muscle With Circuit Training by charles poliquin

Lose Fat & Build Muscle With Circuit Training by charles poliquin

Lose more fat and build more muscle with circuit training, while also improving your conditioning. Research shows that you don’t have to do aerobic training to improve conditioning and reap cardiovascular benefits. Circuit training is protective for the heart and it doesn’t have the negative inhibitory effect on muscle and strength development that goes with … Read more

Burpees For Fat Loss

Burpees For Fat Loss

Using burpees for fat loss is a great challenge and one that will deliver a very quick result. In short a burpee is where you start standing, squat down, go into a pushup position, come back into the squat position and then back to standing. Sounds easy enough right? Simple exercises lead themselves to challenging … Read more