Building a new muscle mass faster is not a hard thing to do as many people think especially if you are a beginner, and it does not need to witch every time to a new diet plan or a workout program, it does not work like that, for average people just a little changes can make you bigger and leaner in no time, just follow this easy steps and you will see the faster results.
1-Focus on strength training:
Most people who are trying to build muscle do not use an adequately heavyweight. You should be lifting in the range of 8-12 repetitions per set, performing 3-8 sets per exercise, and using a weight that leads to muscle failure by the end of each set. One of the reasons that bodybuilders exercise with a partner is so that someone is there to help them when the weight gets too heavy to lift with good form. If you don’t have a workout partner, you can simply stop when you get too tired to lift with good form, rest a few seconds, then keep lifting to complete the set. This is a better way to build muscle than using a weight that allows you to comfortably complete a set without reaching muscle failure.
2-Doing less cardio sessions:
Your body requires calories to build muscle, and if you are doing a significant amount of cardio exercise like running or bicycling, you are burning calories that your body could otherwise be used to build muscle. So if you want to build muscle as quickly as possible, only use cardio for a brief 2-5 minute warm-up, and then focus on weight training only.
3-Make Eating A Habit:
To put on one pound of muscle, you need to consume at least 3,500 extra calories. Since an achievable rate of muscle gain is 1-2 pounds per week, you will need to be eating 500-1,000 extra calories per day to get 3,500-7,000 extra calories each week. But rather than indiscriminately shoving food down the hatch, try to consume calories from healthy protein sources like grass-fed beef, healthy fat sources like avocados and coconut milk, and healthy carbohydrate sources like sweet potatoes and yams.
4-Caloric Intake:
This is another thing I am very tired of hearing. ‘No matter what I do or what I eat, I can’t gain weight’. I have heard this countless times and I am here to tell you that you are dead wrong. That’s OK because I actually said the same thing until I realized the truth. Most people think they are eating a lot and you just may be. But no matter what you are eating, if you are not gaining, you are not eating enough. Most times, you should re-evaluate your diet as well and focus on more calorie dense foods. But you need to eat more if you are not gaining.
5-Progression Day By Day:
Now some things to work for a while and you may see some results. But if you want to gain weight, you’re better off focusing on progressing in either the number of reps or an increase in weight lifted within your main program. Just like overeating, this too will be tough and require you to push yourself to the limits.
6-Supplementation is a must:
The top two most effective supplements you should be consuming to gain muscle quickly are 1) a high-quality protein powder and 2) a creatine supplement. Other popular muscle-building supplements, such as nitric oxide or beta-alanine, will achieve small results, but will not be as effective as the highly proven protein and creatine supplements.
7-Rest And Recovery:
Your muscles need to recover from your workouts to grow stronger and bigger. They can’t recover if you work them hard every day. Even your mind needs a break. Take three to four rest days a week. Help your muscles recover by getting plenty of food, water, and sleep.
8-Consistency Is Everything:
Most guys gain 0.25kg/0.5lb of lean muscle per week if they do an effective training program and eat well. You can’t gain muscle faster than this. It takes a year to gain 12kg/24lb of lean muscle and see a dramatic change. Consistency is therefore key.
9-Changing Rep Range:
Unless you are making great gains and progressing like nobody’s business, I would suggest changing the rep range every 4-6 weeks to avoid plateaus. Changing the rep range will make your body adapt to the new stress causing you to gain weight in the form of muscle.
10-Avoid Stress:
High levels of stress can quickly drain testosterone, an anabolic, muscle-building hormone, and increase levels of cortisol, a catabolic, muscle-damaging hormone. If you find yourself at work or school with a constantly high heart rate, moody personality, shallow breaths or high body temperature, it’s likely that you’re too stressed for optimal muscle growth. Teach yourself to relax, breathe deeply and plan out your day to give yourself more time and less stress.
11-Test Your Hormones:
If you are above the age of 30, hormonal deficiencies can slow your rate of muscle gain. If you feel your muscle gain is too slow, or have any of these symptoms, consider going to a doctor to test your hormone levels and address any imbalances or deficiencies.
12-Eat protein before bed and prior to working out:
New research in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise reports that taking 20 grams of protein after working out, and then again half an hour before bed, increases muscle growth naturally. Your body will be working for you while you sleep!